Source code for markovipy.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re
import codecs

[docs]def fix_caps(word): """Used to compare words, irrespective of their capitalisation :param word: the word to be fixed :type word: <str> :return: <str> """ if word.isupper() and word != "I": """eg: word -> 'AAA', result -> 'aaa' """ word = word.lower() elif word[0].isupper(): """eg: word -> 'AvA', result -> 'Ava' """ word = word.lower().capitalize() else: """eg: word -> 'aVA', result -> 'ava' """ word = word.lower() return word
[docs]def get_word_list(file): """Used to get the words inside the corpus file and generate a list of words by parsing it Something like = ["once", "upon", "a", ...] Check the regex on with any file inside the corpus/ dir \w matches any word character (equal to [a-zA-Z0-9_]) ' matches the character ' literally (case sensitive) .,!?; matches a single character in the list .,!?; (case sensitive) :param file: the file being passed to create the list of words :type file: <str> :return: <list> """ try: # fixes UnicodeDecodeError while reading files instead of using the # normal open() with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: words_list = \ [fix_caps(w) for w in re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]",] return words_list except OSError: return "Did you pass a valid file name/path?"