
To use markovipy in a project:

>>> from markovipy.markovipy import MarkoviPy
>>> # create MarkoviPy object
>>> obj = MarkoviPy("/Users/tasrahma/development/projects/markovipy/corpus/ts_eliot/Gerontion_utf8.txt", 3)
>>> # arguments passes is the initial corpus file and the markov chain length(defaults to 2 if nothing passed)
>>> obj.generate_sentence()
'Cammel, whirled Beyond the circuit of the shuddering Bear In fractured atoms.'
>>> obj.generate_sentence()
'After such knowledge, what forgiveness? Think now History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors And issues, deceives with whispering ambitions, Guides us by vanities.'
>>> obj.generate_sentence()
'Gull against the wind, in the windy straits Of Belle Isle, or running on the Horn, White feathers in the snow, the Gulf claims, And an old man, a dull head among windy spaces.'
>>> obj.generate_sentence()
'Silvero With caressing hands, at Limoges Who walked all night in the field overhead; Rocks, moss, stonecrop, iron, merds.'
>>> obj.generate_sentence()
"Gives too soon Into weak hands, what's thought can be dispensed with Till the refusal propagates a fear."